Monday, December 26, 2005

Humanity Lost

Humanity Lost

     I believe that I know what is “wrong” with humanity, or better yet, our society.  It happened quite by accident one day at the coffee shop, when the thought hit – epiphany – and I knew what was wrong with the people in my community, my town, my state and my country.  I also believe that I know that answer, we will see if I am correct in my thoughts or not.  

     While discussing societies ills with a fellow coffee shop patron, the epiphany hit during this conversation, I realized that many of my fellow human beings had lost their souls.  Some had lost pieces of their soul over time and experiences while others have never really gotten a bearing on theirs at all.  How sad is it to lose something so very precious and the very key to a happy existence.  Now, I’m not talking about religion or salvation but a basic simple awareness of self.  

     While there are many out there who would gladly sell you a solution to all of your ills or even methods to find whatever it is that you think you need.  Whether it be in pill form, or a book, or a belief, or even an exercise they are all the same – a product.  What I am talking about is on a much more basic level, have you ever been aware of your soul?  Have you ever looked within yourself?  Do you know who you are?  Do you know what you are?  I strongly believe that the answers to these questions will start an individual on the path to self-discovery.  That is something that can’t be bought or borrowed but must be explored individually.  No one can do this for you, no religion can replace it, no book can describe it and no drug can fix it for you.  Only you can do this.

     What the hell am I talking about?  What am I selling?  What new fangled belief system am I trying to push?  I’ll start with a simple answer – self salvation, that’s what I’m talking about.  It doesn’t cost anything except your own time and effort.  As for this being a new fangled (or old fangled for that matter) belief system – the belief in yourself – the belief in finding out about you.  No church, no new flavor of God, no cult, no membership dues to pay, nothing except the simple truth that as a member of humankind you have the right and obligation to be the kind of person that is truly happy and knows oneself and ones place in the universe.  

     Yeah right! You say, surely there are hidden costs or fees or something?  It can’t be that simple!! How can true happiness be that easy?  I never said that finding true happiness was easy, it takes work.  Finding out about yourself takes the kind of work that brings about true change in oneself, ones perceptions, and ones realizations.  

     What if, by finding the lost pieces of your soul, you no longer need to get high or get drunk?  What if the pain that drives a person to do those things to themselves is removed, or the emptiness is filled, or the loneliness is replaced with a sense of belonging?  What would that be worth?  How much do people pay every year to feel better, to feel accepted, to belong?  Why do people drive themselves into an early grave to feel accepted or admired by others for what they’ve accomplished or for what they have?  

     Here’s a wild thought, what if every child today was in touch with their soul and didn’t fall victim to the ills of society?  What is every emotionally wounded person could heal themselves and make their lives much richer and fuller?  What if people no longer sought out drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of their existence?  What would our world be like?  What would your town or city be like?  What about the state you live in?  Or even our country, what would that be like if the people would and could heal themselves?  Where would we be right now?  Where could we be tomorrow?  

     I put forth the challenge to the fellow coffee shop patron that I was discussing this all with and I put forth the challenge to you, the reader, what would happen if you were able to change one person’s life by helping them find their soul and then have them help one person find theirs and so on and so on?  What would that do to our society?  How improved would our lives be?  I’m not talking about an over night miracle but a slow steady progression of healing and self improvement of ourselves, our lives, our communities, our nation and, maybe, eventually even our world.  It would change the very existence of our planet and all future generations.  Kind of daunting, huh?  But then, compared to what we have now, what have we got to lose other than suffering and fear.  I don’t know about you but I think it’s worth the effort and the challenge.  Let’s give it a try and check back in a year to see where we are.