Friday, August 26, 2005

What Year Is This Again?????

I was informed yesterday that a very dear friend of mine was wrongfully terminated from his job with a United Way Charity because he was considered 'too gay' for the comfort of a fellow employee. This young man wasn't 'hitting' on anyone, he wasn't rude or vulgar, he is just naturally feminine and that was too much for the comfort of this stupid bigotted woman. The Director actually asked him to apologize to this woman!!!!! What the hell is going on??? This is 2005, isn't it??? When he calmly refused to apoligize for being himself he was terminated!!!!! Now I know that Arkansas has it own strange quirks and such but this is freaking ridiculous!!!! How dare this organization ask a person to apologize for being themselves!!! I plan to not only personally contact this organization and ask them what were they thinking by taking this action but to also give them as much bad press as possible!!!! This is unacceptable!!!
I would say a public apology and a nice settlement is a good start!!!!


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