Thursday, August 25, 2005

Out of the mouth's of idiots....

Well, it seems that certain public leaders are at it again. Letting their mouths over-ride common sense and any sense of decent behavior. Now, I understand that this country is filled with everyone's sense of "free speech" and that any idiot can 'speak out' on any issue. That is not a bad thing but when did the various community and religious leader's feel that they could take it upon themselves to publically call for the assasination of another country's leader? Yes, I'm talking about that idiot - Pat Robertson - who did this just yesterday. Did he honestly think that he could get away with that type of 'bad behavior'? Was he really hoping that the current government wouldn't distance themselves from this quagmire? Heavens above, if anything happens to the Venuzalian President then his short sighted, highly inflammatory statements could be the spark to another war that this country can't afford to fight. We don't have the manpower or the money unless the government starts flexing it's quietly acquired police state muscle.

Yes, we live in a police state, thanks to the Patriot Act. Anyone at anytime could be called a terrorist and then all bets are off and all rights are gone! Think about it, a softly gloved hand can still hurt when it slaps you across the face. This country is broke and we still rack up the trillion dollar debt each year. The current president isn't worried about public opinion, he can't be elected again so he can really get down to business. And four more years in Iraq, what is that all about? How many men and women do we have to lose before the public wakes up and demands action? Is this a war about freedom or is it about oil?

There isn't enough oil left in the world's resources to fuel anyone for very much longer. What happens then? What kind of wars will be waged in the name of oil demand? Why don't the oil companies get smart and start looking into other sources of fuel and energy? Or do they want to get the last penny out of the consumers before the end?

Any my next question is this: Industrial hemp, it can be purchased is just about any form and sent into this country to make clothes, food, coffee, building supplies, what-have-you - but it is illegal to actually grow the stuff in this country. What is that all about? If it's so illegal then why can anyone - legally - import the seeds, the fiber, whatever and utilize it? It isn't marijuana, it's a cousin and has no THC value whatsoever, but it's still illegal to grow????

My next bitch is about Medical Marijuana. Various countries and universities have proven that it is a wonderful treatment for the symptoms of many diseases and even helps with the horrific effects of chemo and radiation therapy that many cancer patients go through. These same studies have shown that many tumors have been diminished and even erradicated by injecting high levels of marijuana chemicals directly into the tumor. But, when an american university showed this study and the results in the 1970's the DEA swiftly stopped all further study into this - because marijuana is illegal. It's considered a 'gateway drug' for people who become addicts. Well, after looking at the facts and principals of addiction - it is my opinion that the real gateway drugs are tobacco and alcohol. For people with addiction issues, there is a genetic predisposition for many addictions and it starts with tobacco and alcohol. There are many thousands of people who have been smoking marijuana for many years and they have not turned to other 'hard core' drugs. It has not acted as a gateway drug for most individuals, but for some with addiction problems anything is going to be a gateway for them. Many of us start the addiction pattern early in childhood with candy or softdrinks or coffee. Once the addiction pattern has begun it's a short step to something more. Bad genetics, maybe but I think that bad living and lack of personal responsibility and accountability is closer to the truth.


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