Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Real Tragedy.....

Well, Hurricane Katrina has come and gone and way too many people have died and others left stranded. Something that someone else said on another board has come to light, '...it seems that only the poor are the ones left behind during this storm.....'. People are stuck in the Astrodome with no food, no running water, no flush toilets.... 30,000 people!!!! The Govenor of that state is talking about a mandantory evacuation for all those who can leave.... If folks could have left they would have already, before the storm hit!!! Where are these folks going to go? How are they going to get there? With what money? The looting has begun and to see people running along with goods that aren't there's makes me ill. Now, I can understand food, water, even blankets and dry clothes but racks of suits and appliances???? New Orleans will quickly, if it hasn't already, turn into a very beastial community of those who are stronger will take what they want at the expense of those who are weaker. It really makes a person sit back and wonder, how much would it take for me to become like them? How hungry, or thirsty would I have to be in order to take what I needed to survive?

How hopeless are the people feeling when the helicopters won't pick them up because they don't have room or are under orders to only pick up those in medical need? How alone and lost and betrayed they must feel.

Where to put the refugees? There are now over 1,000,000 people homeless in New Orleans, where will they go? Someone brought up a very good idea that might actually work, put some of them at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. They have building after building after building standing empty and no longer used - it wouldn't take much to make them habitable for a short term of a few months. They could even utilize other buildings for schools for the children and Goddess knows whatever else is needed. How many other bases are out there that could do the same that has been down-sized or are no longer being used that have lots of buildings that could be used as emergency housing and such. Why not talk about something like that? I may just email the Govenor's office and see what they think about the idea. At the worst they will put me on a 'crazy' watch list, no big deal.

For those of you who are reading this, what do you think? I really would like to hear other comments about this and any other problem out there.


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